Examples, solutions, and videos to help Grade 3 students learn how to model the distributive property with arrays to decompose units as a strategy to multiply.
Common Core Standards: 3.OA.1, 3.OA.5, 3.OA.3, 3.OA.4
The following diagram shows the distributive property using the array model. Scroll down the page for more examples of the distributive property using the array model.
A guitar has 6 strings. How many strings are there on 3 guitars?
Draw an array to represent the total number of guitar strings.
8 × 2 = _____
Is (3 × 4) + (2 × 4) = 12 + 8 = 20 the same as 5 × 4?
Joe planted 6 rows of carrots in his garden. There are 6 carrots in each row. How many carrots did he plant?
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